
Road Blocks in Life

Showered by negative thoughts

For many nights and days

Sickness and a mind to take my own life

Then troubled me

Giving me the impression

There was no way out

Experiencing emptiness, with many doubts in my time

Along with being told, my existence was an error

My dreams now

Are at a roadblock

Challenges, Adversity, and people telling me to give up

Then came to my side, having me to believe

There was no way out

Don’t let worry trouble your life

Was then told to me

For faith and obedience to God’s words

Shall take you through

Roadblocks in life

Are one of the things, that, the enemy brings

To keep your dreams from taking root and being fulfilled

Take action and believe

That the roadblocks in life

Will be opened, by our Father God

So give thanks, even when you don’t have

Trust and obey, even when you’re feeling

No more blessings is coming your way

For our Father God

Works, in many ways   


Who I am

Amongst darkness and light

Nearly all my life, praying

Facing trouble and pain

Waiting for a star to shine bright

Head held high

I see it standing, straight and tall

No other amongst, but myself

Feeling, no purpose in life

As others strive for success


I want to count my blessings, not my troubles

End my curiosity of love and a family

Have the answers, to the questions that upset me

Be given a chance to turn my darkness into light

Achieve greatness instead of troubled nights, like tonight

Be given a smile and not a shrug

Accomplished and successful

I wish to be

But in what, I hope to find

For nothing right now, is along the line

Unfair, I see life

From my experiences of walking through those nights

Why and what made them do this to themselves

Were they given a chance, for change

I asked myself

Conscious and determined it all has made me

A winner in life and no longer a failure

Triumphant, victorious, and achievements

I am now going for, to leave above my name

Describing who I am


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